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What does your future look like?

Auto Immune and Multiple Sclerosis (AIMS)

AIMS strives to ​preserve and protect the health and wellbeing of UK patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis and Autoimmune disease, in the provision of signposting, support and grants.

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Here at AIMS, we know that sometimes all it takes to make a difference to someone's life and/or future is a little guidance, support, understanding and in some cases, some financial help.

AIMS is the UK’s first registered charity to support UK residents with autoimmune disease and Multiple Sclerosis, with an emphasis on HSCT.

Our aims are to:

  • Help and support UK based sufferers of auto-immune diseases, primarily those with Multiple Sclerosis.

  • Provide advice and support, raising awareness of the latest treatments available and signposting patients to the relevant medical professionals.

  • Continue making grants to assist with HSCT patients' travel expenses.

What We Do

Grant making

We're dedicated to stepping up our efforts in addressing how we make grants to best support our mission statements and values. For more information on our grant applications get in touch.


With our organisation’s mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with this challenge. Supporting MS sufferers is something that we take very seriously, and our team of volunteers all of whom have been impacted by MS, is working each and every day to make a positive impact. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.


Our goal is to promote greater opportunities for those in need. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfil their potential. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today.


The StarMS trial aims to compare the efficacy and safety profile of Autologous Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (aHSCT) vs 4 ‘highly effective’ Disease Modifying Therapies (DMTs) – Ocrelizumab, Alemtuzumab, Cladribine and Ofatumumab.

The study will also research the mechanism of action to help our understanding of how aHSCT works in RRMS.

The study aims to recruit 198 patients from 19 sites across the UK. All participants will be followed up over a 24 month period involving regular visits with the study team. Study visits will include blood tests, neurology examinations and questionnaires.


Contact AIMS

For more information why not get in touch with AIMS to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

Registered in England & Wales Charity Number 1177907

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