Noëlle Tassy (EBMT Patient Advocacy Committee member)
Autologous HSCT in multiple sclerosis: patients' perspective before, during and after treatment
As so many transplanted people with MS over the world, she wishes she could have had HCST before this chronic debilitating illness did its irreparable damage.
Noëlle is a member of EBMT Patient Advocacy Committee and of EMSP Patient Community Advisory Boards. She also operates as a graduated Expert Patient in the therapeutic education programme on multiple sclerosis at Pays d'AixHospital.
Noëlle matches her advocating activities with studies for a doctorate in Philosophy at Aix-Marseille University. She is also the author of a series of blog articles on the French online newspaper Mediapart: “Autologous bone marrow transplant for the treatment of multiple sclerosis: a point of contention between patients and neurologists”.